Becca Yu-Lewis Talks About Speech and Language Pathology Challenges and Solutions in the Tri-Cities and BC

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Becca Yu-Lewis Talks About Speech and Language Pathology Challenges and Solutions in the Tri-Cities and BC

Is your toddler delated in learning to speak? Or does your child have difficulty saying words properly, or have a stutter? Perhaps your child has a learning disability which is causing speech issues. Or perhaps cancer has impacted an adult's ability to speak, or a stroke has required re-learning language or even eating. Speech and language pathologists have an important role to play in helping people overcome these types of problems, which are debilitating on many levels - emotional, mental, with related problems.

Unfortunately, speech pathologists are not easily available. The waiting lists are long. At schools, there may be only one speech pathologist for a number of schools so personal help is stretched thin.  There is not a lot of funding available for their services as there is for example, autism. Luckily in the Tri-Cities, there are professionals in similar professions who are banding together to work on increasing the profile for different needs being better funded by government, as Genevieve Levebvre's guest explains.

Becca Yu-Lewis, a Speech and Language Pathologist and owner of Citadel Speech and Language Services, as well as the past president of the  Speech and Hearing BC, sheds light on the current landscape of Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) services in the Tri-Cities and across British Columbia.

In examining the state of SLP services, Becca delves into the existing challenges faced by professionals in the field. She explores how these challenges impact individuals, particularly those most affected by the scarcity of SLP services and their unique needs.

The waiting lists for SLP services in the Tri-Cities and BC become a focal point, with Becca providing insights into the wait times and factors contributing to the delays. Drawing on her extensive experience, she reflects on potential solutions and strategies to address the shortage of SLP services, recognizing the importance of timely interventions.

Amidst the challenges, Becca shares positive stories stemming from Speech and Language Pathology interventions. These anecdotes highlight the transformative impact of timely services on individuals in the Tri-Cities, underscoring the importance of accessibility.

Looking forward, Becca explores the potential long-term consequences for those unable to access SLP services promptly. She emphasizes the critical role these services play in shaping an individual's communication skills and overall well-being.

In addressing disparities, Becca examines specific groups or communities facing challenges in accessing SLP services. She suggests focused initiatives that could help bridge these gaps, ensuring that Speech and Language Pathology services reach those who need them most.

Becca Yu-Lewis's insights provide a comprehensive view of the current state of Speech and Language Pathologist services, offering not only an understanding of challenges but also potential pathways towards a more accessible and supportive future.

Don't hesitate to contact Genevieve or TCCTV for interview opportunities.


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Video Upload Date: March 15, 2024

The Tri-Cities Community Television Society is a Not-For-Profit organization in Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody, BC, offering training in media production skills and provides an opportunity for community voices to be heard.

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